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Hey,who am i?? Yip Seng of course!!! A person who search for the greatest fun of life. This is my 2nd blog and plz support my ads in here!! Example nuff...,adver...,bidve... Thank you

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Gift For Her

Surprise her with something unexpected…something she actually wants! Here are few of the creative ideas some of the women we polled suggested!

* Flowers delivered to her work
* Personally written love poem rolled up and held together by a ring
* A key to his heart
* Ring with your names and a special date engraved inside
* Locket with our or his picture in it
* A gift that reflects an personal interest, so she’ll know you understand and listen to her
* Anything handmade
* A puppy named “Kisses”
* A key to the house you will be sharing
* A new wedding band
* A picture of you
* Quality time “alone” together
* Tickets to a vacation or cruise
* A personally written love song
* A week of massages
* Sexy lingerie
* A symbol of your love
* A piece of clothing to remind her of you when you’re away
* A bubble bath followed by a massage

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