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Saturday, May 31, 2008

One World, One Nation Charity Night


“One World, One Nation Charity Night”.
A Fundraising charity night dedicated to victims of China earthquake and Myanmar cyclone.

Dear all,

The catastrophic cyclone Margins that destroyed and killed thousands of Myanmarese and the devastating earthquake that hit the China Sichuan Province has left many people dead and homeless. Children got separated from their parents and parents mourning for their dead children. And there are still many victims are not found.

World Vision has been named one of the beneficiaries for this charity concert organised by Jazzy Group. Funds collected through ticket sales for Myanmar cyclone will be channeled through World Vision Malaysia

Day and date : Thursday, 5 June 2008
Time : 7.30 pm
Venue : The Summit Subang USJ – Outdoor (external parking)

It starts at 7pm and tickets are available only for RM30 or RM100

P/s: To all bloggers, please help spread the words. Do apart in helping the victims. Though we can’t be there to share their sorrow or give them medical aid, we can always pray and help them in another way. It is the thought that count and what matters is it comes from your sincere heart.

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