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Hey,who am i?? Yip Seng of course!!! A person who search for the greatest fun of life. This is my 2nd blog and plz support my ads in here!! Example nuff...,adver...,bidve... Thank you

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Quality Assurance @ Kum Hoi

Since Kum Hoi is a manufacturing industries,a department call QA or known as Quality Assurance department is needed to keep control of each product machined in order to fulfill the customer requirement. They consist of a group of proffesional worker who have been trained and helped but some student trainees. The daily routine of QA is to support the whole production to ensure quality of the final product.

Kum Hoi industries have 14 highly precision gauges and equipment in producing quality products.

Besides these equipment,QA will supplied a quality assurance check list for each department to make sure every part manufacture will meet the requirement.

That all for now

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